February 19 2020

( I just needed to put this thought somewhere so i put it here. This thought comes from two others arguing about rich and poor and greed. Reference was made to the Rich man entering the eye of a needle scripture as well.)

I don't think it's as simple a taking money from someone with more and giving it to someone with less.

There's a lot at play there.

One thing i see is the judgements passed on the rich just cause they have more. And those placed on poor just cause they have less. Just because we have more or less does not mean we don't deserve what we have. We may deserve it ... very much.

But, it's what we do with what we have and have been blessed with. [Not what's taken from us or we take) that qualifies us for the kingdom of heaven.

Not even that, can we lay those things down for someone in need if asked, just as a camel would have to do to go through the eye of the needle? (which is an actual place by the way)

These are things we must work out with in ourselves. (I think that scriptures applies more to giving our life to the Lord...)

I think there's nothing wrong with wanting the beautiful things of the earth. I don't see that as greed I see that as recognizing that God created this beautiful earth for us to enjoy and "dress" it, to take care of it. There is enough for all.

Unfortunately it's what we do (poor or rich) that puts us in chains.

I just believe that our limiting beliefs keep us down not others. We are made for greatness ... all of us. We just need to realize it. People that do prosper usually realize this. To just take and give to the less than would be a huge disservice in them realizing this as well. Sure help someone in need but to just take and give causes a sense of entitlement that's not good either.